As we've moved very swiftly into the new year, all I can seem to think about is the things which make me happy and this is the year I'm going to surround myself with nothing more than the things that make me happy.
There's nothing I love more than taking my camera and going off somewhere to explore my surroundings, it brings me peace and allows me to do something which I really enjoy - taking beautiful pictures. I've inserted a few of my fave pictures that I've taken :)
Spending time with loved ones is vital to me, I'm very family orientated and love to be around those that I care for the most, whether it's a quick visit or spending the day together - I'm hoping to do this a lot more in 2018.
Treat yo self! This year I do vow to spend a little more time and money on myself, whether it's having my hair done or buying a new outfit. Even just spending some time chilled out with a face mask on, it really does lift my mood and I don't do it nearly as much as I should for my own mental health.
Some of you may just laugh at this one, but singing! I love to act daft, dance and sing around the flat to my favourite songs and artists - Demi Lovato durrr! it lifts the spirit and doesn't make you feel like you're quite getting close to your mid-twenties.
A good hair day, hey why stop there? A good hair day and skin day is something which definitely makes me happy, particularly because it doesn't happen very often, making it even more special when it does happen!
You know when it gets to that part in the year when you start hearing birds chirping again for the first time since winter - it's such a lovely sound which definitely makes the cold months seem well worth it.
What makes you the happiest?
Love Jess xx