Sunday, 27 September 2015

Following Your Dreams.

I've been thinking a lot recently, and it just occurred to me that not many people seem to follow their dreams or feel like it's something they should be doing, which to me, seems to be very odd? 
Maybe that's just because I've always set out to do what makes me happy and follow my dreams. Do more of what makes you happy, starting with these three little things:

Your home.
Your home is your own space, somewhere to feel safe, secure and cosy. Make your home into something you've always dreamed of, make it as cosy as possible. Think of it as your 'happy place' surround yourself with positive things, art, flowers, colour etc, this will help boost your mood and make you feel a lot happier and positive being at home.

Your job.
I see this as a major factor, your job should make you happy. You shouldn't wake up every day and dread going into work, I know after a day off or a weekend off, or even after annual leave, it's not the nicest of thoughts knowing you have work the following day, but enjoying your job makes it so much more enjoyable and not just like it's an endless chore. Personally for me, I've always wanted to be in a job that I enjoy, and luckily enough I have a job which is something that makes me happy and even though it can be challenging and sometimes test my patience, it's rewarding and it's one of the things I love most.

Friends and family.
You should always surround yourself with friends and family, ones which bring you positivity and happiness, that is. Friends and family are people who will help you through all the good and bad times and will forever be there for you. You should always ensure that you provide time to spend with them, I understand myself that with work and other things it's hard to make enough time to see each other often, but no matter how much time you spend apart when you see each other again it'll be like you've never been apart.

To me, these are the three main things in life which you should always try to improve and ensure you're following your dreams with them, whether it's having a big house in the city with lots of friends and family around, or a small cottage in the countryside with selective family and friends. It's your life and your choice, make yourself happy.

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